Welcome to the Computer Lab with
Mrs. Malave
Hello. I am the Computer/S.T.E.A.M. Teacher at School #10. This is my 29th year teaching in the Garfield District. I originally taught 5th grade, but then I moved toward Educational Technology after receiving my Master's Degree at Ramapo College. I have now been a Computer/Technology Teacher for 13 years. I enjoy using technology to create and design. I am looking forward to teaching Computer Science and S.T.E.A.M. classes this year.
All K-5 students will receive live computer instruction once a week in the Computer lab.
For ½ of the school year, each class will receive Computer S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) Education once a week. Some skills the students will learn include engineering, programming/coding, 3D design, and 3D printing.
Students are graded using a rubric. The grade is then converted to a percentage that you will find when their work is graded in Teams (for grades 3-5) and also in Realtime (grades K-5). See the Computer Lab Project Rubric
Students will be graded on their projects (80%) and participation/skills/effort (20%).
Even though class assignments will be posted in Teams for grades 3-5, all work will be completed in the lab.
Technology skills are assessed using a standards-based grading system:
Exceeds Standards
The student goes above and beyond the requirements of
the assignment.
Meets Standards
Student's work meets the computer standards that the
assignment addresses.
Approaching Standards
The student is approaching the standards that the
assignment addresses. There may be some errors,
but the student grasps the main concepts.
Needs Support
The student requires further support to successfully
meet the computer standards addressed.
Contact Me:
E-mail me at [email protected] or send me a message through Microsoft Teams.